Portal to Pets and People Together
Meet the artists
Portals placed in shelter housing are gateways to happier, healthier cats and dogs. We invited emerging California artists to create portals for us: gateways to pets and people together and the communities of care we’re growing now. With the understanding that our future is shaped, first, by how we envision it and then by how we act to bring it into being, we asked them, “What do communities look like when we’re stronger side by side? What does More Pets and People Together mean to you?” What emerged are visual stories of communities rooted in mutual care, joy, and connection among animals, nature and one another, where everyone belongs.
What does more pets and people together mean to you and your neighbors?
What does it look like when we’re stronger side by side? In summer 2023 we invited Californians of all ages to reflect on what animal companionship means to them and to their community via pencil, crayon, brush, or digital drawing tool. From more joy, love, compassion and more, the results are a testament to the power of people and pets together. Two submissions were selected as winners; congrats Scarlett Bispo and Uta M.!
Add your vision to the mix by posting on social media with the hashtags #PetsandPeopleTogether #MascotasYPersonasUnidas. Want to know how you can help keep and bring more pets and people together in your community today? Start here: 5 things you, your community group, business, shelter, organization, or community can do.