Community members from across California’s third-largest county have come together to kick off unprecedented problem-solving efforts and rally around a cause—and one another.

Grant Impact – San Bernardino County
The San Bernardino County Devore Animal Shelter made great use of their $205,000 California for All Animals grant. Among the outcomes: 525 dogs received advanced

Connecting Families with Lifesaving Care in Oakland
Through Cal for All Animals grant funding and a partnership with Vets in Vans, Oakland Animal Services connects families with the essential veterinary care they need to thrive together.

Petting Pitties and Swapping Advice: Compassion in Action at The PAW Mission
The PAW Mission Founder Jessica Lopez reflects on the people and circumstances—starting with a 6 a.m. encounter—that challenged her assumptions and cleared the way for a new understanding of what compassion looks, feels, and sounds like.

2023 Highlights
In just over two years, the California for All Animals program has provided nearly $31.5 million in funding

More Pets and People Together, More Unity
RVT and former shelter manager Ivy Ruiz reflects on what gave her courage to positively disrupt the status

Mapping the Movement
From Siskiyou to Chula Vista…from Humboldt to Blythe…View the shelters and supporting organizations that have joined so far on our interactive map.
Notice anyone missing? Tell them about California for All Animals!