We all call California home, but we know that home is more than a place.
It’s your cat curled at your feet or a neighborhood cat sunning on your porch. It’s your dog’s contagious tail-thumping joy when you walk through the door, even when you’ve had a rough day. Home is communities, shelters, and rescues coming together to help pets and people through challenges ordinary and extraordinary.
From working to reunite animals and families after fires to fostering hundreds of animals who still need homes, Californians make history every day. In the 1970s, the first low-cost spay/neuter clinic in the country opened in Los Angeles, and Bob Barker’s famous The Price is Right sign-off was born, helping to drop America’s euthanasia rates from 20 million in 1970 to three million in 2011. In 1998 SB 1785 established a state policy that no adoptable or treatable dog or cat be euthanized at an animal shelter, but many communities have lacked the funding and support to meet this goal. Governor Newsom’s investment in California for All Animals fulfills a promise and recognizes that all communities must have access to resources in order to continue closing this gap.
Our state has come a long way, but there’s more to do. Are you ready to help build the kind of movement that doesn’t stop at state lines, but ripples across the country?
By joining California for All Animals, you’re doubling down on your commitment to the people and animals who make California home, and you’re helping to make sure animal shelters in every community have the support and resources to match every animal in need with the right outcome through the right care, delivered in the right place and at the right time. We’ll keep you updated on all the progress shelters are making in our state.

Show some love for your shelter
When your local animal shelter joins California for All Animals, they’ll have access to grant opportunities, training led by experts in the field, a statewide community of shelters, and more, all at no cost to them. Use the template below to drop them a line and let them know they’re invited!
Dear ____________,
I’m writing to invite you to join animal shelters and communities across the state in California for All Animals, a state-funded program led by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program and developed to directly support animal shelters and best practice, lifesaving initiatives statewide.
At no cost to your shelter, you’ll gain access to grant opportunities, expert-led training and coaching, a supportive community of shelters and shelter leaders, and more. Your first two grants, a $5,000 grant to kickstart your programming and a housing grant to turn your single-sided cages into double-compartment housing so cats and puppies can stretch and play, are waiting for you right now!
To learn more about this historic opportunity and add your shelter to the movement, visit californiaforallanimals.com.
Thank you for your work on behalf of our community and California animals!
P.S. Don’t delay! The first grant deadline is March 31, 2022.
Support a humane-hearted California
California for All Animals is administered by the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. With your donation, we can do even more to move the vision for an equitable, sustainable healthy and humane California to goal.