Cal4All Calls occur every first and third Tuesday each month, alternating between a presentation/discussion format and a coaching/office hours format. Below you can find recordings of short presentations (a half-hour max) made during the calls.
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Minnis presents the results of his study of how shelter visitors make dog adoption decisions. He reveals that behavior is the most common factor and advocates that shelters should move to a Realtor model to increase adoptions.

Ashley K. Rodriguez, Animal Services Supervisor for the City of Bryan, Texas is working with her team to build trust with their community using an "Education before Citation" approach to animal services.

Debra Olmedo, ASPCA Community Outreach and Medical Care Senior Manager (Los Angeles) shares how working alongside community caretakers has increased the amount of felines being altered and kept out of Animal Care Centers. helps pet owners find affordable veterinary care in their area. You can list your shelter as a provider or search the database to find clinics in your area to partner with.

PhD student Lexis Ly presents “Predictors of successful diversion of cats and dogs away from animal shelter intake: Analysis of data from a self-rehoming website,” a paper she co-authored...

José Ocaño interviews Lisa LaFontaine, President and CEO of Humane Rescue Alliance. Lisa shares mistakes she has made and lessons she has learned leading a diverse organization working with diverse communities.

Humane Rescue Alliance's Jasmin Bell, Director of Talent and Inclusion; Kourtney Hudson, Data Curator; and Bobby Mann, Chief Programs Officer, share how they've leaned on data to diversify their staff and retain talent.

Ramon Villatoro and his team were facing an outbreak of Canine Parvovirus in his first month on the job. Here’s how the shelter’s culture came out stronger on the other side.

In this 25-minute presentation, California Program Manager Nadia Oseguera offers an incremental change approach to broadening your shelter’s base of foster care volunteers. Recorded 02/07/2023
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